Selasa, 29 September 2015

Application To Save Battery Android

The main problem adadalah a smartphone battery life. Smartphone users get annoyed if the battery runs out CEAT. Android operating system actually memunyai efficiency of the battery life is good, but it seems not enough.

Hampis all manufacturers make application technology to conserve battery life, among other extreme in HTCOne M9 power mode and power saving Ultra Samsung Galaxy S6.

However bagamana for those who do not have the extra features on your smartphone? Do not worry because there are few Android apps to save battery that you can try. Consider the following review.

1. Juice Defender. This application is packed with abundant settings options. You can manage public connection, such as mobile data, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Yag interesting is preset modes, such as aggressive and balanced. This allows you to quickly setup scheduling, and choose which applications are making the screen lights up.

2. Greeify. Initially this application was made for Android users after root.greenify made to optimize the process of hibernation to set the background.

3. Go Battery Saver & Power Widget. The application is designed by Go Dev Team. Many users aolikasi is satisfied because it is very flexible. In a simple way you can replace the preset mode. And for those who do not like the standard product, you can also use a custom mode.

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